Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Serious One

I just read this article and it made me sad, depressed and infuriated all at the same time. How come these people are allowed to live? This person had a rap sheet that could one could use to predict something like this happening. How come we live in a fucking PC world where people get 3rd, 4th, and 5th chances right up until something of this magnitude happens? Why is there such an absence of common sense and reason? Why is it not PC to use common sense? If you are a drug dealer or addict prison should be about rehabilitation. If you commit "white collar crimes" or similar non violent offenses it should be part rehab part punishment. If the crime you are convicted of is violent and involves rape or murder prison should be about punishment and punishment only. If your crime involves harming or exploiting children in any way at all it should be straight up punishment for the rest of their lives. Those actions are a behavioral disorder that will never be corrected. Why do we live in such a bullshit society where no matter what you do, no matter who you do it to, or how heinous the action is , you, on most occasions, have to be given at least a 2nd chance, if not more. How come the only time these sicks fucks are dealt with adequately, adequate by current standards that are still wholly inadequate if you ask me, is after something terrible like this happens? You know what the best predictor of future actions are? Past actions. Its also human nature to escalate your actions/behavior as time progresses. I started off gambling 25$ a game only a couple games at a time. That progressed to me betting $50 on every game. That became me betting on the game the regular game then making an additional half time bet. Before you know it I'm calling in $200 or $300 bets with regularity. My behavior escalated with time. Read this article and tell me that you think the way our society currently deals with these sicks fucks is adequate. Right now i want to grab my Fubar and just start bashing skulls. These are the type of ppl that the death penalty is too good for cuz you know it will take at least 10 yrs for the sentence to be carried out only after all appeals have been exhausted and millions of dollars have been wasted. Set up a special jail and put all these sick fucks together and give them a daily routine that alternately subjects them to beatings, mental abuse and manual labor. Give them no more then 2 hrs of sleep each day and the most minimal amt and cheapest food needed to survive on. Why as a society are we so concerned about not infringing on the rights of one individual who is proven to be sick and twisted that our lack of action is at the expense of those most innocent and in need of protection from them?

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