Thursday, September 11, 2008

Serious One Read this first

I find this article more or less bullshit. It is a lack of self control that causes people to go out and binge eat or make impulse buys, not "Law and Order". I'll concede that this theory is accurate in the sense that it plants an idea or stimulates an impulse to go out and do these things cuz they make people aware that at any given moment they can be murdered, but every idea/impulse a person has does not have to be acted upon. If you have self control you can have ideas like that but not act on them. I have ideas and impulses all day and all night that I do not act upon. Example, just earlier today i was on my way to the break room and a big titted Asian woman walked past me. I had the impulse/idea to tear off her red polo shirt and start sucking on her titty like i was a baby and it was lunch time. Of course i didn't do this. Why? Self-control. Just cuz I have an idea i don't have to act on it. This is what weak minded people who refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions and are looking to blame someone else for why they are fat or broke. And I have a lot less self-control then most. I thought of this yesterday.

Today I realized something, how sad is this if there is any shred of truth to it at all? It sounds like it was a legitimate study done by some reputable organization so there has to be at least some morsel of truth to it. How pathetic and brainwashed have we become as a society? "Fight Club" and Al Gore were right we have all been brainwashed by a strategic bombardment of constant advertisements and have been turned into mindless zombie consumers. (Isn't it odd that some of the ideas in "Fight Club" are discussed in a different way in Gore's book "The Assault on Reason"? They aren't directly related but if you've seen or read both and are of average intelligence you can draw definite correlations to some subjects that are discussed in both. Remember also that "Fight Club" came first.) So this study contends that being reminded of our own mortality causes us to do impulsive things that we wouldn't normally do. And this causes us to go out and "live life to the fullest" cuz we could drop dead at any moment. And what do we do" We go to fucking McDonalds. We go and buy a bigger TV. That is how we "celebrate" our precious life and brings us the most happiness. A cheeseburger or clothing with someone else's name printed on it. How fucking pathetic are we?

You would hope that when faced with our unavoidable mortality people would go out and play catch with their kids, tell someone that they love them, quit the shitty job they hate and find one they like. Marry their girlfriend, take a class and learn to do something you've always wanted to, like paint or draw or some gay shit like that. Go mountain biking or watch the sunrise, something, anything. Fuck, go out, drink our faces off and punch the biggest, toughest person we can find in the face just so we can find something out about ourselves. No what we do is stuff our fat fucking faces and buy shit we don't need and can't take with us. Honestly, this is one of the most disturbing things I've ever read.

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